Entries by Sofia

Paul Risse and Stephanie Audet

 Paul Risse from the movie Average Joe on the Raw and the Founder of Cleanse America with Stephanie Audet the best international Raw Food Chef sing happy birthday to Sofia in they visit to British Columbia.

Sofia Reis talks about colonics benefits

Sofia Reis from Fort Langley Colonics talks about Colonics Benefits and  why we all will benefit from Colon hydrotherapy. Sofia Reis answer question like: What are the  Colonics benefits ? Why we all will benefit from Colonics? How many colonics you need? Why you need colonics when doing a body cleanse? Why malfunction colon is […]

Sofia shows you How Colonics Works

Fort Langley Colonics founder, Sofia Reis, describes how the Colon Hydrotherapy system works. Learn why this is the safest way to clean out your digestive system after years and possibly decades of abuse. Call Sofia today and book your session.…

Saffron Pear Baked Oatmeal With Dried Fruit and Nuts

  Ingredientes 3 cups Rice or Almond Milk (or any milk you prefer) 3 cups light unsweetened Coconut Milk 2-3 pinches of Saffron strands – use more for a stronger flavor and yellow colour 2 cups Coach’s Oats 1 teaspoon Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon fine Sea Salt 1/2 teaspoon ground Cinnamon 1 cup diced Pear […]

It is a time for deep healing

Colonics are a gift you give your body, mind and soul. It is a time for deep healing and letting go at whatever level you are ready. It is a sacred process! We respect the body’s wisdom and seek to help restore your body to optimal health and wellness, naturally.

A toxic bowel is the source of many health problems

A toxic bowel is the source of many health problems. Colon cleansing is a valuable procedure that activates the body’s self-healing processes thereby allowing a more efficient means of waste elimination and nutrient absorption. Both are essential to any lasting rejuvenation process. This is also the first step toward normalizing the colon so that the […]

Who Needs Internal Cleansing?

  Do you experience any of the following signals regularly? Constipation or Diarrhea Need for Frequent Laxatives Frequent Headaches Skin Problems Lower Back Pain Lowered Resistance to Infection Fatigue Insomnia Irritability Edema/Swelling Bloating Bad Breath Asthma/Sinus Problems Food Allergies Overweight Loss of Memory Depression Menstrual Problems General Aches and Pains Yeast Infections Parasites Irritable Bowel […]